What's new in OrientDB 3.2?


With the OrientDB 3.2 multimodel API some important changes were implemented on Database creation. The most important one is that basic database users (admin, reader, writer) are no longer created by default. This is the consequence of some considerations about Security: having default passwords (eg. admin/admin) is a bad practice and exposes OrientDB installations to possible attacks.

Of course it's possible to explicitly trigger user creation and to provide a custom password, instead of using a default admin user.

final OrientDB orientdb = ...;

orientdb.execute("create database test plocal users ( admin identified by 'adminpwd' role admin)");
final ODatabaseSession session = orientdb.open("test","admin", "adminpwd");

the roles admin, writer, reader are still created by default.

It is highly recommended to take a stronger password than adminpwd in our example.

If the creation of default users is enabled and you try to create a user called admin, the creation of that user will fail. The creation of default users can be disabled setting CREATE_DEFAULT_USERS to false as in:

new OrientDB("...",
                .addConfig(OGlobalConfiguration.CREATE_DEFAULT_USERS, false)

The creation of multiple admin users like admin, reader, and writer can be done by comma-separating

final OrientDB orientdb = ...;

orientdb.execute("create database test plocal users ( 
            admin identified by 'adminpwd' role admin, 
            reader identified by by 'adminpwd' role reader, 
            writer identified by by 'adminpwd' role writer)");
final ODatabaseSession session = orientdb.open("test","admin", "adminpwd");

From Studio, there is a new option that allows you to define the default admin password on the Database Create dialog.

The old defaults can be restored (for backward compatibility) by setting -Dsecurity.createDefaultUsers=true at startup

Deprecated APIs like ODatabaseDocumentTx are not affected from that change.

Server-Level Commands

In OrientDB v 3.2 we added some infrastructure to run commands at server level. See SQL Changes and Server-Level Commands)

Distributed enhancements and stabilization

In v 3.1.x, OrientDB clustering had a limitation related to indexing: UNIQUE indexes needed full agreement between the nodes (N ack out of N nodes) to perform a transaction. In v 3.2 we removed this limitation, now transactions that involve UNIQUE indexes have the same quorum as any other transaction (typically N/2 + 1). Hazelcast was updated to latest version.

Console enhancements

In previous versions there are some slight differences in the console when using a remote server or an embedded envorinment. In v 3.2 the CLI interface was refactored to unify the management of embedded and remote environments


GraalVM support

After Nashorn was deprecated and then removed from the JVM (see JSR 335), OrientDB needs an alternative for scripting. In v 3.2 we introduce support for GraalVM as a replacement for scripting capabilities

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