Write Ahead Log, WAL form now, is operation log which is used to store data about operations which were performed on disk cache page. WAL is enabled by default.
You could disable the journal (WAL) for some operations where reliability is not necessary:
By default, the WAL files are written in the database folder. Since these files can growth very fast, it's a best practice to store in a dedicated partition. WAL are written in append-only mode, so there is not much difference on using a SSD or a normal HDD. If you have a SSD we suggest to use for database files only, not WAL.
To setup a different location than database folder, set the WAL_LOCATION
or at JVM level:
java ... -Dstorage.wal.path=/temp/wal ...
This log is not an high level log, which is used to log operations on record level. During each page change following values are stored:
As you can see WAL contains not logical but raw (in form of chunk of bytes) presentation of data which was/is contained inside of page. Such format of record of write ahead log allows to apply the same changes to the page several times and as result allows do not flush cache content after each TX operation but do such flush on demand and flush only chosen pages instead of whole cache. The second advantage is following if storage is crashed during data restore operation it can be restored again , again and again.
Lets say we have page where following changes are done.
Storage is crashed during the middle of page flush, which does not mean that first 10 bytes are written, so lets suppose that the last 10 changed byte were written, but first 10 bytes were not.
During data restore we apply all operations stored in WAL one by one, which means that we set first 10 bytes of changed page and then last 10 bytes of this page. So the changed page will have correct state does not matter whether it's state was flushed to the disk or not.
WAL file is split on pages and segments, each page contains in header CRC32 code of page content and "magic number". When operation records are logged to WAL they are serialized and binary content appended to the current page, if it is not enough space left in page to accommodate binary presentation of whole record, the part of binary content (which does not fit inside of current page) will be put inside of next record. It is important to avoid gaps (free space) inside of pages. As any other files WAL can be corrupted because of power failure and detection of gaps inside WAL pages is one of the approaches how database separates broken and "healthy" WAL pages. More about this later.
Any operation may include not single but several pages, to avoid data inconsistency all operations on several records inside of one logical operation are considered as single atomic operation. To achieve this functionality following types of WAL records were introduced:
These records contain following fields:
The last record's type (page changes container) contains field (d. item) which deserves additional explanation. Each cache page contains following "system" fields:
Every time we perform changes on the page before we release it back to the cache we log page changes to the WAL, assign LSN of WAL record as the "page LSN" and only after that release page back to the cache.
When WAL flushes it's pages it does not do it at once when current page is filled it is put in cache and is flushed in background along with other cached pages. Flush is performed every second in background thread (it is trade off between performance and durability). But there are two exceptions when flush is performed in thread which put record in WAL:
Given all of this data restore process looks like following:
begin go trough all WAL records one by one gather together all atomic operation records in one batch when "atomic operation end" record was found if commit should be performed go through all atomic operation records from first to last, apply all page changes, set page LSN to the LSN of applied WAL record. else go through all atomic operation records from last to first, set old page's content, set page LSN to the WALRecord.prevLSN value. endif end
As it is written before WAL files are usual files and they can be flushed only partially if power is switched off during WAL cache flush. There are two cases how WAL pages can be broken:
First case is very easy to detect and resolve:
Second case a bit more tricky. Because WAL is append only log, there is two possible sub-cases, lets suppose we have 3 pages after 2-nd (broken) flush. First and first half of second page were flushed during first flush and second half of second page and third page were flushed during second flush. Because second flush was interrupted by power failure we can have two possible states: