OrientDB Manual

Schemaless Serialization

The binary schemaless serialization is an attempt to define a serialization format that can serialize a document containing all the information about the structure and the data, with no need of a external schema definition and with support for partial serialization/deserialization.

The whole record is structured in three main segments

| version:byte  | className:string | header:byte[] | data:byte[] |


1 byte that contain the version of the current record serialization, to allow progressive serialization upgrade

Class Name

A String containing the name of the class of the record, if the record has no class will be just an empty string, the serialization of the string is the same of the String value

The header contains the list of fields names of the current record with the association to the data location

| fields:field_definition[]  |

field definition

| field_name_length|id:varint | field_name:byte[] | pointer_to_data_structure:int | data_type:byte |

field_name_length varint that describe the field, if positive is the size of the string that fallow next if negative is and id of current property referred in the schema, if is 0 mark the end of the header.
field_name the field name present only with field_name_length > 0
pointer_to_data a pointer to the data structure in the data segment that contains the field value or 0 if the field is null
data_type the field type id, the supported types are defined here OType present only with field_name_length > 0

Property ID

The property Id will be stored in field_name_length as negative value, for decode it should translated to positive value and decrased by 1: (field_name_length * -1) -1 == propertyId.

the relative property will be found in the schema, stored in the globalProperty list at the root of the document that rapresent the schema definition.


The data segment is where the data is stored is composed by an array of data structure

| data:data_structure[]  |

each data structures content is depended to the field type, each type have it's own serialization structure

field_data serialization by type


The Integer numbers will be serialized as variable size integer it use the same format of protobuf specified HERE
-64 < value < 64 1 byte
-8192 < value < 8192 2 byte
-1048576 < value < 1048576 3 byte
-134217728 < value < 134217728 4 byte
-17179869184 < value < 17179869184 5 byte

all the negative value are translated to positive using the ZigZag encoding

the algorithm can be also extended for longer values!


The byte is stored as byte


The boolean is serialized as a byte: 0 = false 1 = true


This is stored as flat byte array copying the memory from the float memory

| float:byte[4] |


This is stored as flat byte array copying the memory from the double memory

| float:byte[8] |


The date is converted to millisecond unix epoch and stored as the type LONG


The date is converted to second unix epoch,moved at midnight UTC+0, divided by 86400(seconds in a day) and stored as the type LONG


The string are stored as binary structure with UTF-8 encoding

| size:varInt | string:byte[]  |

size the number of the bytes in the string stored(not the length of the string) as variable size integer string the bytes of the string in UTF-8 encodings


The BINARY store bytes in a row way on the storage

| size:varInt  | bytes:byte[]   |

size the number of the bytes to store bytes the row bytes


The embedded document is serialized calling the document serializer in recursive fashion, in the following structure

embedded document

| serialized_document:bytes[] |

**serialized_document the bytes of the serialized document


The embedded collections is stored as an array of bytes that contain the serialized document in the embedded mode.

|size:varInt  | type:Otype | items:item_data[] |

size the number of items in the list type the type of the types in the list or ANY if the type is unknown items an array of value serialized by type or if the type is ANY the item will have it's own structure.

the item_data structure is: +------------------+--------------+ | data_type:OType | data:byte[] | +------------------+--------------+ data_type the type of the data stored in the item. data the data stored with the format choose by the OType.


The link map allow to have as key the types: STRING,SHORT,INTEGER,LONG,BYTE,DATE,DECIMAL,DATETIME,DATA,FLOAT,DOUBLE the serialization of the map is divided in a header and a values

| header:headerStructure    | values:valueStructure   |

header structure

| keyType:byte | keyValue:byte[]  |

Current implementation convert all the keys to string keyType is the type of the key, can be only one of the listed type. keyValue the value of the key serialized with the serializer of the type

value structure

|valueType:byte | value:byte[]  |

valueType the OType of the stored value value the value serialized with the serializer selected by OType

The link is stored as two 64 bit integer

|cluster:64int | record:64Int |

cluster orientdb cluster id record orientdb record id

| size:varint | collection:LINK[] |

size the number of links in the collection collection an array of LINK each element is serialized as LINK type.


The link map allow to have as key the types: STRING,SHORT,INTEGER,LONG,BYTE,DATE,DECIMAL,DATETIME,DATA,FLOAT,DOUBLE the serialization of the linkmap is a list of entry

| values:link_map_entry[]    |

link_map_entry structure

| keyType:byte | keyValue:byte[]  | link:LINK  |

keyType is the type of the key, can be only one of the listed type. keyValue the value of the key serialized with the serializer of the type link the link value store with the formant of a LINK


The Decimal is converted to an integer and stored as scale and value (example "10234.546" is stored as scale "3" and value as:"10234546")

| scale:byte[4] | valueSize:byte[4] | value:byte[] |

scale an 4 byte integer that represent the scale of the value valueSize the length of the value bytes value the bytes that represent the value of the decimal in big-endian order.