OrientDB Manual


Studio 2.0 includes the new Security Management where you can manage Users and Roles in a graphical way. For detailed information about Security in OrientDB, visit here


Here you can manage the database users:

  • Search Users
  • Add Users
  • Delete Users
  • Edit User: roles can be edited in-line, for name, status and password click the Edit button

Home Page

Add Users

To add a new User, click the Add User button, complete the information for the new user (name, password, status, roles) and then save to add the new user to the database.

New User


Here you can manage the database roles:

  • Search Role
  • Add Role
  • Delete Role
  • Edit Role

Home Page

Add Role

To add a new User, click the Add Role button, complete the information for the new role (name, parent role, mode) and then save to add the new role to the database.

New Role

Add Rule to a Role

To add a new security rule for the selected role, click the Add Rule button. This will ask you the string of the resource that you want to secure. For a list of available resources, visit the official documentation here

Then you can configure the CRUD permissions on the newly created resource.

New User