OrientDB Manual

Network Binary Protocol Commands

This is the guide to the commands you can send through the binary protocol.

See also

the commands are divided in three main groups:

  • SQL (select) Query
  • SQL Commands
  • Script commands

SQL (Select) Query


text text of the select query
non-text-limit Limit can be set in query's text, or here. This field had priority. Send -1 to use limit from query's text
fetch-plan used only for select queries, otherwise empty
serialized-params the byte[] result of the serialization of a ODocument.

Serialized Parameters ODocument content

The ODocument have to contain a field called "params" of type Map.
the Map should have as key, in case of positional perameters the numeric position of the parameter, in case of named parameters the name of the parameter and as value the value of the parameter.

SQL Commands


text text of the sql command
has-simple-parameters boolean flag for determine if the simple-parameters byte array is present or not
simple-parameters the byte[] result of the serialization of a ODocument.
has-complex-parameters boolean flag for determine if the complex-parameters byte array is present or not
complex-parameters the byte[] result of the serialization of a ODocument.

Serialized Simple Parameters ODocument content

The ODocument have to contain a field called "parameters" of type Map.
the Map should have as key, in case of positional perameters the numeric position of the parameter, in case of named parameters the name of the parameter and as value the value of the parameter.

Serialized Complex Parameters ODocument content

The ODocument have to contain a field called "compositeKeyParams" of type Map.
the Map should have as key, in case of positional perameters the numeric position of the parameter, in case of named parameters the name of the parameter and as value a List that is the list of composite parameters.



language the language of the script present in the text field. All the others paramenters are serialized as the SQL Commands