OrientDB Manual


SQL command to search all records that contains a link to a given record id in the entire database or a subset of specified class and cluster. Returns a set of record ids.


FIND REFERENCES <rid|(<sub-query>)> [class-list]


  • rid is the record id to search. If a sub-query is passed, then all the RIDs returned by the sub-query will be searched. Sub-query is available since 1.0rc9
  • class-list list of specific class or cluster, separated by commas, you want to execute the search in.

Returns a list of document containing 2 fields:

  • rid, as the original RID searched
  • referredBy, as a Set of RIDs containing the collection of RID that reference the searched rid if any, otherwise the set is empty


Get all the records that contains a link to 5:0

find references 5:0

Result example:

| rid  | referredBy      |
| #5:0 | [#10:23, #30:4] |

Get all the references to the record of the default cluster (available since 1.0rc9):

find references (select from cluster:default)

Get all the records in Profile and !AnimalType classes that contains a link to 5:0 :

find references 5:0 [Profile,AnimalType]

Get all the records in Profile cluster and !AnimalType class that contains a link to 5:0

find references 5:0 [cluster:Profile,AnimalType]

To know more about other SQL commands look at SQL SQL commands.