Displays the details of the record of the last result set returned. This command needs the relative position of the record in the result set.
display [<number>](<number>.md)record])
> select * from person
0| 5:0|null |null |Giuseppe |Garibaldi |-6:0
1| 5:1|5:0 |null |Napoleone |Bonaparte |-6:0
2| 5:2|5:3 |null |Nicholas |Churcill |-6:1
3| 5:3|5:2 |null |Winston |Churcill |-6:1
4| 5:4|null |[2] |Barack |Obama |-6:2
5| 5:5|5:4 |null |Malia Ann |Obama |null
6| 5:6|5:4 |null |Natasha |Obama |null
7 item(s) found. Query executed in 0.038 sec(s).
> display record 4
Class: Person id: 5:5 v.0
parent : Person@5:4{parent:null,children:[Person@5:5, Person@5:6],name:Barack,surname:Obama,city:City@-6:2}
children : null
name : Malia Ann
surname : Obama
city : null
This is a command of the Orient console. To know all the commands go to Console-Commands.