
Provides an interface for working with and operating on roles.

Using Roles

In OrientDB, roles allow you to assign privileges to a user in bulk rather than individually. For instance, an account that needs to manage a blog would need read and write permissions on certain classes. Roles allow you to give a new account the privileges it needs to function in one command, rather than through a series of individual grants.

To operate on roles in your application, import the class:

import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.security.OSecurityRole;


Method Return Type Description
addRule() OSecurityRole Grants privilege on the given resource
allow() boolean Determines whether role can perform the given operation on the given resource
getDocument() ODocument Retrieves the internal document of the role
getName() String Retrieves the logical name of the role
getParentRole() OSecurityRole Retrieves the parent role
getRuleSet Set<ORule> Retrieves the rules assigned to the role
grant() OSecurityRole Grants privileges on the given resource
hasRule() boolean Determines whether the role can access the given resource
revoke() OSecurityRole Revokes access to the given resource
setParentRole() OSecurityRole Sets the parent role

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