
Example 1

Recommend some friends to Profile 'Isabella Gomez' (friends of friends):

  {class: Profiles, as: profile, where: (Name = 'Isabella' AND Surname='Gomez')}-HasFriend-{as: friend},
  {as: friend}-HasFriend-{as: friendOfFriend, where: ($matched.profile not in $currentMatch.both('HasFriend') and $matched.profile != $currentMatch)} 
RETURN DISTINCT friendOfFriend.Name

In the Browse Tab of Studio, using the query above, this is the obtained list of records (only few records are shown in the image below):

Example 2

Recommend some Hotels to Customer with OrderedId 1:

  {Class: Customers, as: customer, where: (OrderedId=1)}-HasProfile->{class: Profiles, as: profile},
  {as: profile}-HasFriend->{class: Profiles, as: friend},
  {as: friend}<-HasProfile-{Class: Customers, as: customerFriend},
  {as: customerFriend}-HasStayed->{Class: Hotels, as: hotel},
  {as: customerFriend}-MadeReview->{Class: Reviews, as: review},
  {as: hotel}-HasReview->{as: review}
RETURN $pathelements

In the Graph Editor included in Studio, using 'RETURN $pathelements' as RETURN clause, this is the obtained graph:

To filter additionally, and suggest only the 4 and 5-rated hotels, it is possible to add a filter condition on the 'HasReview' edge (property 'Stars'):

  {Class: Customers, as: customer, where: (OrderedId=1)}-HasProfile->{class: Profiles, as: profile},
  {as: profile}-HasFriend->{class: Profiles, as: friend},
  {as: friend}<-HasProfile-{Class: Customers, as: customerFriend},
  {as: customerFriend}-HasStayed->{Class: Hotels, as: hotel},
  {as: customerFriend}-MadeReview->{Class: Reviews, as: review},
  {as: hotel}.outE('HasReview'){as: ReviewStars, where: (Stars>3)}.inV(){as: review}
RETURN $pathelements

In the Graph Editor included in Studio, using 'RETURN $pathelements' as RETURN clause, this is the obtained graph:

results matching ""

    No results matching ""