Release 2.2.x

What's new?

Direct Memory

Starting from v2.2, OrientDB uses direct memory. The new (and .bat) already set the maximum size value to 512GB of memory by setting the JVM configuration


If you run OrientDB embedded or with a different script, please set MaxDirectMemorySize to a high value, like 512g.

Command Cache

OrientDB 2.2 has a new component called Command Cache, disabled by default, but that can make a huge difference in performance on some use cases. Look at Command Cache to know more.


-In progress-

Parallel queries

Starting from v2.2, the OrientDB SQL executor will decide if execute or not a query in parallel. Before v2.2 executing parallel queries could be done only manually by appending the PARALLEL keyword at the end of SQL SELECT. Issue 4578.

Automatic usage of Multiple clusters

Starting from v2.2, when a class is created, the number of underlying clusters will be the number of cores. Issue 4518.

Encryption at rest

OrientDB v2.2 can encrypt database at file system level 89.

New ODocument.eval()

To execute quick expression starting from a ODocument and Vertex/Edge objects, use the new .eval() method. The old syntax ODocument.field("city[0]") is not supported anymore. Issue 4505.

Migration from 2.1.x to 2.2.x

Databases created with release 2.1.x are compatible with 2.2.x, so you don't have to export/import the database.

Security and speed

OrientDB v2.2 increase security by using SALT. This means that hashing of password is much slower than OrientDB v2.1. You can configure the number of cycle for SALT: more is harder to decode but is slower. Change setting security.userPasswordSaltIterations to the number of cycles. Default is 65k cycles. The default password hashing algorithm is now PBKDF2WithHmacSHA256 this is not present in any environment so you can change it setting security.userPasswordDefaultAlgorithm possible alternatives values are PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1 or SHA-256

To improve performance consider also avoiding opening and closing connection, but rather using a connection pool.

API changes


To execute quick expression starting from a ODocument and Vertex/Edge objects, use the new .eval() method. The old syntax ODocument.field("city[0]") is not supported anymore. This is because we simplified the .field() method to don't accept expressoion anymore. This allows to boost up performance on such used method. Issue 4505.


On drop class are dropped all the cluster owned by the class, and not just the default cluster.

Configuration Changes

Since 2.2 you can force to not ask for a root password setting <isAfterFirstTime>true</isAfterFirstTime> inside the <orient-server> element in the orientdb-server-config.xml file.

SQL and Console commands Changes

Strict SQL parsing is now applied also to statements for Schema Manipulation (CREATE CLASS, ALTER CLASS, CREATE PROPERTY, ALTER PROPERTY etc.)

ALTER DATABASE: A statement like

ALTER DATABASE dateformat yyyy-MM-dd

is correctly executed, but is interpreted in the WRONG way: the yyyy-MM-dd is interpreted as an expression (two subtractions) and not as a single date format. Please re-write it as (see quotes)

ALTER DATABASE dateformat 'yyyy-MM-dd'


In some cases a variant the syntax with curly braces was accepted (not documented), eg.

CREATE FUNCTION testCreateFunction {return 'hello '+name;} PARAMETERS [name] IDEMPOTENT true LANGUAGE Javascript

Now it's not supported anymore, the right syntax is

CREATE FUNCTION testCreateFunction "return 'hello '+name;" PARAMETERS [name] IDEMPOTENT true LANGUAGE Javascript


The ALTER PROPERTY command, in previous versions, accepted any unformatted value as last argument, eg.

ALTER PROPERTY min 2015-01-01 00:00:00

In v.2.2 the value must be a valid expression (eg. a string):

ALTER PROPERTY min "2015-01-01 00:00:00"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""