WARNING: OrientDB v 3.2 includes some important changes to DB creation; in particular, default database users/passwords are not created anymore. The console command CREATE DATABASE had a specific behaviour that relied on default users: it created the database and THEN connected to the DB using admin/admin. This is not possible anymore, so we had to change the syntax AND the semantics of the command

Creates and connects to a new database.


CREATE DATABASE <database-name> <storage-type> [users ( (<username> identified by <password> role <rolename>)* )]
  • <database-name> Defines the name of the database you want to create.
  • <storage-type> Defines the storage type that you want to use. You can choose between PLOCAL and MEMORY.
  • <username> The name of a user to create
  • <password> The password of this newly created user
  • <rolename> The role name of this user


  • Create a local database demo without default users:

    orientdb> CONNECT ENV embedded:/my/databases/dir root root
    orientdb> CREATE DATABASE demo plocal 
    Database created successfully.
  • Create a remote database demo without default users:

    orientdb> CONNECT ENV remote:localhost root root
    orientdb> CREATE DATABASE demo plocal 
    Database created successfully.
  • Create a remote database demo with an "admin" and a "reader" user:

    orientdb> CONNECT ENV remote:localhost root root
    orientdb> CREATE DATABASE demo plocal users (admin identified by 'MyAdminPassword' role admin, reader identified by 'MyReaderPw' role reader) 
    Database created successfully.

Old Syntax

(still compatible in v 3.2)

CREATE DATABASE <database-url> [<user> <password> <storage-type> [<db-type>]] [-restore=<backup-path>]
  • <database-url> Defines the URL of the database you want to connect to. It uses the format <mode>:<path>
    • <mode> Defines the mode you want to use in connecting to the database. It can be PLOCAL or REMOTE.
    • <path> Defines the path to the database.
  • <user> Defines the user you want to connect to the database with.
  • <password> Defines the password needed to connect to the database, with the defined user.
  • <storage-type> Defines the storage type that you want to use. You can choose between PLOCAL and MEMORY.
  • <db-type> Defines the database type. You can choose between GRAPH and DOCUMENT. The default is GRAPH.


  • Create a local database demo:

    orientdb> CREATE DATABASE PLOCAL:/usr/local/orientdb/databases/demo
    Creating database [plocal:/usr/local/orientdb/databases/demo]...
    Connecting to database [plocal:/usr/local/orientdb/databases/demo]...OK
    Database created successfully.
    Current database is: plocal:/usr/local/orientdb/databases/demo
    orientdb {db=demo}>
  • Create a remote database trick:

    orientdb> CREATE DATABASE REMOTE: root 
              E30DD873203AAA245952278B4306D94E423CF91D569881B7CAD7D0B6D1A20CE9 PLOCAL
    Creating database [remote: ]...
    Connecting to database [remote: ]...OK
    Database created successfully.
    Current database is: remote:
    orientdb {db=trick}>

To create a static database to use from the server, see Server pre-configured storage types.

To remove a database, see DROP DATABASE. To change database configurations after creation, see ALTER DATABASE.

For more information on other commands, see Console Commands.

Incremental restore option

You can execute an incremental restore at creation time through the option -restore specifying as value the path where your backup is placed. Let's suppose we want create a new fresh database "mydb" and restore data from a backup, located in /tmp/backup, performed from another database in one shot. In this case we can type:

orientdb> create database remote:localhost/mydb root root plocal graph -restore=/tmp/backup

Creating database [remote:localhost/mydb] using the storage type [plocal]...
Connecting to database [remote:localhost/mydb] with user 'admin'...OK

Database created successfully.

Current database is: remote:localhost/mydb

For further details on incremental backup and restore you can refer to the page Incremental Backup and Restore.

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