Released OrientDB v1.7 rc1: new relationship engine, improved SQL and Graph API
Thu, 02/06/2014 - 11:56
Orient Technologies has just released OrientDB v1.7-rc1. This is the first Release Candidate of the version 1.7, other Release Candidate will follow in the next weeks.
To download OrientDB 1.7 rc1 goto:
So what's new?
The most important news is the new engine to manage Relationships. We knew the biggest OrientDB's bottleneck was on management of vertices with many edges. Andrey posted a benchmark about importing Wikipedia dataset comparing the new OrientDB 1.7-rc1 and previous OrientDB 1.6.4. In all the tests the new version outperforms the previous one, even 15x! No more pain on managing many edges!
Benchmark OrientDB v1.7-rc1 vc 1.6.4:
Other news are mostly related to increase the power and expressiveness of OrientDB SQL language and Graph model.
Below all the enhancements:

- Engine:
- new LINKBag to manage LINKS by using SBTree indexes. This drastically improved performance
- SQL:
- new LOCK keyword to specify locking strategy
- new RETURNING keyword to let to UPDATE and DELETE commands to return modified records
- new include() and exclude() to respectively include or exclude fields of documents
- operator [] now can be used in chain, also with functions
- projections can be reused as variables
- support for LET also in UPDATE and DELETE commands
- Graph API:
- support for ordered edge list
- new detach() and attach() method to work with Graph Element offline
- new OrientGraphFactory to manage pooled instances
- new support for ETag, If-Match and If-None-Match headers
- new PATCH method against /document command and /documentbyclass for partial updates
- Distributed: database deploy now is chunked to avoid RAM saturation
- Backup and Restore: improved speed from 5x to 50x
- Studio:
- new CSV download of Query result
- Query can return non shallowed collections
- Fixed reported bugs