Released OrientDB 1.7.8 + new non-blocking backup
Released OrientDB 1.7.8 + new non-blocking backup
Wed, 08/13/2014 - 16:16
London, August 13th 2014
Many issues fixed. This is a hotfix (, so you can just replace the jars to upgrade. No export/import is needed.
We've also introduced a new script under "bin" directory. This executes a backup by invoking the console. But the most interesting part is the option "lvm". If you're running on Linux and you have
LVM installed, you can execute a database backup without locking the database. For more information look at
Non-Blocking Backup. If you're a devops and you'd like to contribute to support other OSs and File Systems, please send us a Pull Request.
Enjoy with Graphs,
Luca Garulli
CEO at Orient Technologies LTD
the Company behind OrientDB
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