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OrientDB 2.1 First Release Candidate is out!

OrientDB 2.1 First Release Candidate is out!

Thu, 04/16/2015 - 23:00
London April 16, 2015 Orient Technologies has released the first release candidate of OrientDB 2.1: 104 resolved issues and even more exciting innovative improvements! Before listing the release notes, I'd first like to share with all OrientDB users that the team is working non-stop to make OrientDB's engine even more rock-solid and robust. None of this would be possible without the testing, issue reporting and contributions of our amazing user community. Many many thanks to everyone!  

Community Driven

There are many NoSQL projects out of there, but not all of them are supported by a real community of users that are not employees of the company behind the product. Special thanks to all the authors of the Pull Requests for this release.  

Principal improvements

- Schema: Support for multiple inheritance where classes can extend from multiple super classes Support for default values (functions are allowed) - Core: Improved WAL management (Journal) to enforce Consistency with transactions Fetch-plan now supports wildcard for names - SQL: New SQL parser by default on with new database creation and by default off with existing databases Prepared Statements and substitution of parameters and target New Live Query for Reactive application development New optimization of existing indexes in sub-classes New concat() function - Distributed: Support for slave (read-only) nodes Includes Hazelcast-all.jar with Cloud support - ETL: Skip duplicated vertices - Enterprise Edition: New SQL Profiler New Auditing feature - Bug fixing: 104 issues in total To view all closed issues: OrientDB 2.1-rc1 closed issues.  

Documentation and Examples

We're still updating docs to reflect new features. In the next days will follow up emails about using new feature like Live Query (for Reactive Apps), Multiple Inheritance, New SQL Parser, Default Values and Enterprise Features like SQL Profiler and Auditing.


You can download it from the official download page, or if you are using Maven, update the dependency to: <dependency> <groupId>com.orientechnologies</groupId> <artifactId>orientdb-graphdb</artifactId> <version>2.1-rc1</version> </dependency>  

Can I use OrientDB v2.1-rc1 in production?

No. This is not the final 2.1 version. This release is the first Release Candidate (RC stands for Release Candidate) of v2.1 on the path to the final version in the upcoming days. We suggest using OrientDB v2.1-rc1 in development and test only. If you plan to go in production in less than three weeks, we suggest staying with OrientDB v2.0.7. Otherwise, go ahead and use OrientDB v2.1-rc1.  

Is 2.1-rc1 compatible with previous versions of OrientDB?

You can open any database created with past versions of OrientDB. If you're coming from 1.7.x or earlier, in order to use the new binary serialization, you are required to export and re-import the database. For more information, take a look at Migrate from 2.0.x.

[button title="Download OrientDB v 2.1-rc1" link=""]

Have fun with graphs & documents, Luca Garulli CEO of Orient Technologies the Company behind OrientDB