OrientDB 2.0.12 (hotfix)
Wed, 07/01/2015 - 14:50
London, July 1st, 2015
OrientDB 2.0.12 is out. This release contains some fix you could be interested on. If you're using OrientDB 2.0.x, please upgrade as soon as possible. This version is binary compatible with 2.0.x.
[button title="Download OrientDB 2.0.12" link="https://orientdb.com/download/" color="orange" size="big"]
This is the list of closed issues: https://github.com/orientechnologies/orientdb/issues?q=milestone%3A2.0.12 Best Regards, Luca Garulli CEO at Orient Technologies LTD the Company behind OrientDB http://about.me/luca.garulli