OrientDB Manual 1.7.8


OrientDB uses the Semantic Versioning System (http://semver.org) where given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

  • MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
  • MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner
  • PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.

So between PATCH versions the compatibility is assured (example 1.4.0 -> 1.4.1). Between MINOR and MAJOR versions you could export and re-import the database. See below in the column "Database":

Compatibility Matrix

FROM TO Guide Blueprints Database Binary Protocol HTTP Protocol
1.6.x 1.7.x Migration-from-1.6.x-to-1.7.x Final v2.5.0 Automatic 20, 21 10
1.5.x 1.6.x Migration-from-1.5.x-to-1.6.x Changed v2.5.x Automatic 18, 19 10
1.4.x 1.5.x Migration-from-1.4.x-to-1.5.x Changed v2.4.x Automatic 16, 17 10
1.3.x 1.4.x Migration-from-1.3.x-to-1.4.x Changed v2.3.x Automatic 14, 15 n.a.
1.2.x 1.3.x n.a. Changed v2.2.x OK OK OK Need export & Re-import 12, 13 n.a.


Migrate from LOCAL storage engine to PLOCAL

Starting from version 1.5.x OrientDB comes with a brand new storage engine: PLOCAL (Paginated LOCAL). It's persistent like the LOCAL, but stores information in different way. Below the main differences with LOCAL:

  • records are stored in cluster files, while with LOCAL was split between cluster and data-segments
  • more durable than LOCAL because the append-on-write mode
  • minor contention locks on writes: this means more concurrency
  • it doesn't use Memory Mapping techniques (MMap) so the behavior is more "predictable"

To migrate your LOCAL storage to the new PLOCAL you've to export and reimport the database using PLOCAL as storage engine. Follow the steps below:

1) open a new shell (Linux/Mac) or a Command Prompt (Windows)

2) export the database using the console. Example by exporting the database under /temp/db:

> bin/console.sh (or bin/console.bat under Windows)
orientdb> connect database local:/temp/db admin admin
orientdb> export database /temp/db.json.gzip
orientdb> disconnect

3) now always in the console create a new database using the "plocal" engine:

a) on a local filesystem:

  orientdb> create database plocal:/temp/newdb admin admin plocal graph

b) on a remote server (use the server's credentials to access):

  orientdb> create database remote:localhost/newdb root password plocal graph

4) now always in the console import the old database in the new one:

orientdb> import database /temp/db.json.gzip -preserveClusterIDs=true
orientdb> quit

5) If you access to the database in the same JVM remember to change the URL from "local:" to "plocal:"

Migrate graph to RidBag

Since OrientDB 1.7 RidBag is default collection that manage adjacency relations in graphs. While the older database managed by MVRB-Tree are fully compatible, you can update your database to more recent format.

You can upgrade your graph via console or using the ORidBagMigration class

Using console

  • Connect to database connect plocal:databases/GratefulDeadConcerts
  • Run upgrade graph command

Using the API

  • Create OGraphMigration instance. Pass database connection to constructor.
  • Invoke method execute()